You, small business manager, want to improve things.

I will bet dollars to Freddy’s Famous Buffalo donuts that you have a “wish list” of projects you want to implement, and you have started some of them.

Yet your office (and mine) is littered with books unread, binders from great workshops, possibly brochures or saved emails with a system or process that sounds great. One you want to investigate that just might make your business operate more smoothly or more profitably.

Hey, we are idea people and we are starters (maybe not finishers).

When you do start something new with anticipation, this most likely happens (image from Todd Herman):

One of the most persistent complaints I hear from employees of small business is that “we don’t finish what we start” and that the owners/ managers are always adopting the latest book advice or stuck in chasing shiny objects syndrome.

Making changes, finishing a project or new process, and getting everyone on board and sticking with it is HARD.

You have to be patient and persistent to make progress, and to stay positive with all the set backs and challenges you encounter.

Four things you can do to start and finish your projects:

  1. Do ONLY ONE at time (more about this next week)
  2. Enlist the help of your team– don’t do it all yourself
  3. Create an action plan with weekly action items and assign tasks to specific people with a deadline
  4. Meet weekly (same time) to review what is complete, what needs to be discussed/ decided, and what is next

As a bonus– get an “Accountability Buddy” outside of your team/ company (a colleague or a consultant) who will hold you accountable to make progress, keep you motivated, and help you work through the inevitable bumps on the road.

Maybe even decide the reward you will give the team to celebrate– such as a “pizza party” or outing or something nice for the office (plants? Fooze ball table?). This can keep you motivated as you slog through the tough parts and keep you sprinting toward the finish line.

Image from Todd Herman