Hundreds of studies have demonstrated that the most critical factor that impacts employee productivity, performance, retention and engagement is the relationship between an employee and his or her direct manager. As the book title clearly states “people leave managers, not jobs”

What can you do to transform your interaction and dialogue away from being a “manager” to being a coach and leader?

Brendon Burchard created an enthusiastic 11 minute video to outline 6 steps. Here are excerpts from this video below.

After watching the inspiring video- here are 6 things you do to implement this compelling model:

  1. Envision– Clearly (decide) define your vision for the organization, and outline your core values (I will give you bonus points if you involve your team in this process )
  2. Enlist– Share this vision in the most visual and engaging way and then ask “will you join me”
  3. Embody– Create a list of behaviors that embody your core values and then demonstrate them and recognize them <quick recognition template> and ask for feedback when you are not walking the talk
  4. Empower– Consider the language of your feedback, and modify to do more coaching less managing (nagging,  bossing) and have more frequent and open dialogues
  5. Evaluate– Employees want frequent, honest, appreciative feedback — formalize your management rhythm- with weekly conversations, monthly touch points, quarterly action plan updates
  6. Encourage– build in storytelling, recognition, celebration into your team updates agendas and process (think about little league)

Practice One: Envision The reason we say envision versus just have a vision is it’s a practice of envisioning – “what should tomorrow look like for my team?”

Practice Two: Enlist A great leader is always enlisting other people to believe in the dream, to shape the dream, to stay dedicated to the dream.

Practice Three: Embody as leaders we have to stand for and demonstrate and show and portray what we are really believing in

Practice Four: Empower Training other people and equipping them with everything they need to succeed has to be a vital practice of every great leader.

Practice Five: Evaluate Ethics and Progress That evaluation also brings up the incredible challenge that we face as leaders, which is to give honest, direct, immediate constructive feedback to those who are trying to influence and lead.

Practice Six: Encourage To encourage, to be the champion. To be the cheerleader. To be the person always motivating, inspiring, uplifting people.

Watch this video

Read the transcipt 

Image Courtesy of