Action Items

  • Training video: Training & Developing Employees for Retention and Growth
  • Employee follow up meeting to finalize Individual Development Action Plans
  • Create spreadsheet- your team action plans
  • Schedule timeline and action plan for additional training needs- new employee, change in job duties, cross-training, develop for promotion

All the forms for the performance discussion and action plan (Modules 3-7) are combined into the Manager’s Performance Handbook. (Individual forms are also separate for your convenience.)

Your next steps

  1. Watch the video
  2. Meet with each employee
  3. Finalize Individual Development Action Plans
    • Finalize action plan items by quarter and schedule follow up process.
    • Delegate to employee research and recommendations for specific actions, may need 2-4 weeks to finalize these items.
    • For specific training needs (cross-train, change in job duties) create a training checklist.
  4. Create action plan master spreadsheet
  5. Schedule quarterly follow up meetings to stay on track of Action Plans
  6. Schedule the same performance discussion process for next year
    • Start at module 2 (evaluate for job fit); about 10 months from today.
    • Schedule meetings for about 12 months from today.


This is a major accomplishment to build the foundation of performance coaching with your team, and to focus on developing them for growth.

More training documents for ongoing development needs:

New employee training (months 1 -3) checklist – create a 90 day action plan for training with timeline, action items and responsible trainers

New employee first day orientation checklist – create a list of items to welcome your new employee and provide the tools to start out right

Team cross training chart – compare your team member’s skill levels to identify gaps and training needs


People Plan™ Toolkit Support Request

Contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improvement. My team reads every email and we are dedicated to your People Success! -Diana Southall

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