Let us take a moment to describe what Human Resources Management really is.

Most people think of the administrative side of “HR,” that department that handles payroll and benefits and record keeping. While important, HR administrative does not make you any money (actually costs you money to maintain) and does not help you improve your business or profits.

The strategic side of Human Resources Management is defining and using processes to make sure you have the Right employees, doing the Right things, and that they do them Right. Then we need to keep these Right People engaged and reward them! This concept is really what Performance Management is all about (so much more than an “annual review”)- managing employee performance for organization goal achievement.

What your managers should be doing:

  • Explain performance expectations to each employee (and how they can support organizational goals)
  • Get employee commitment to meet expectations
  • Measure performance and share with employees
  • Give feedback and coach employees to improve performance
  • Recognize and reward good performance
  • Build a culture and a team that works together to achieve organizational goals

What your organization needs to define and communicate:

  • Overall organizational strategy, values, culture
  • Specific goals by department and job
  • Performance expectations for each job (tied to organizational  goals)
  • Measurements of performance by individual, team, department, entire organization
  • HR systems to assist with recruiting, selection, training, management for employee success
  • Total Rewards strategy that attracts, retains and engages top performers
  • Manager coaching and resources to do all of the above

The above elements are what all large organizations have – but small organizations can have these as well with the People Plan™ . This is a four-phase process to identify your custom People strategy and then implement People systems to allow your organization achieve its goals.  Contact us to receive our free white paper on the 9 steps to build a People Plan.

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