Small Business Catalyst Webinars
Recorded in April 2017, this webinar series includes short trainings and live interviews with host Diana Southall designed for the small business owner or manager. Our speakers share their proven client strategies to add more sales, create smoother systems, build a...
Are You An Idea Hamster?
I often spend time with clients and other business owners who are full of ideas-- so many they don't know where to start, or they starting working on 2 (or 10) without much progress. Their head and office notebooks are littered with the ghosts of projects past. I...
4 Stages of the Small Business People Pyramid
I am not clairvoyant, but I can get a quick estimate of the stage of your business based on answers to three simple questions: How many hours a week did you work in last year? How much has your profit grown in the last three years? What percent of your team are A...
How Delegation Actually Engages Your High Performers
Lately I have been sharing with you resources to 1) Clarify the best use of your time, 2) Create a delegation wish list of your "stop doing" tasks, and 3) Identify to whom to delegate this list. By delegating, you are creating a "win" for you AND a "win" for you high...
5 Plans to Run Your Business
Remember Steven Covey's habit “Begin with the end in mind”? There are five main plans to guide your activities and decisions to create the business you desire: 1. Strategic plan It is crucial to provide a roadmap to guide your major decisions. A simple strategic plan...
9 Ways a General Manager Will Benefit Your Small Business
Over the years, you built your small business on step at a time. Your hired more staff to sell and service your clients, then you added an office manager and/or an accounting manager. With each hire you expected to get "freed up" to act like an owner, not an employee....
Work Expands to Fill The Time
Last week I had very similar conversations with general managers at two very different businesses. They both had teams that seemed to be less focused, productive and efficient the more time they had. One is a seasonal business where everyone works overtime for 4...
7 Roadblocks to Your Small Business Growth
If your firm lacks these 7 systems, it creates a bottleneck that flattens sales, prevents great customer experiences, and reduces profits.
3 P’s Essential to Maximize Small Business Profits
Most small business owners want two things from their business- a reasonable Profit for all their hard work, and the freedom to enjoy their Personal life (both in the business and outside it).
However, they often neglect the 3 other P’s that will create the Profit and Personal life they want.
Focus on these 3 T’s- how not to spend time on the WRONG things
I do it, you do, everyone (except the birds and bees) does it... spend time on the WRONG things. Managers and owners spend our time coaching and training our People to be more focused, more effective, more productive... but are we? As a fan and follower of Laura Stack...