Action item

  • Training video 8A: Design your selection system
  • Complete Employer Brand checklist
  • Define and setup basic selection process; including setup assessment tools, steps, standard interview questions, candidate communication, recruiting sources
  • For each job title: job profile, job posting description, recruiting source, custom interview questions or steps, candidate scorecards
  • Training video 8B: Selection process to identify A Players

Your next steps

  1. Watch the video – also your team leaders and managers
    • 8A Design Your Selection System (Follow along with Handouts.)
  2. Finalize organization selection process and handbook (with your team)
    • template-Employer-Brand-Builder
    • selection process outline
    • candidate communication outlines and milestones
    • standard interview questions
    • recruiting sources finder
    • selection process action plan with assignments
  3. Finalize selection handbook for each position (with your team)
    • Job profile for selection
    • Job posting description
    • Specific recruiting source and posting instructions
    • Update phone screen questions with related KSA areas
    • Update interview questions with related “Competancy-Interview-Questions” 
  4. Watch the video
    •  8B Selection Process to Identify A Players (Follow along with Handouts.)
  5. Job search process- when position is available
    • Revise job profile
    • Update job posting content
    • Distribute job posting on recruiting sources
    • Check and update candidate communication and assign / automate (including skill tests, assessments, and background/ physical checks)
    • Assign and review criteria to screen applicants
    • Schedule time in calendar for phone screens and first interviews
    • Update interview questions and candidate scorecards
    • Train other interviewers and verify their role
    • Recruit and select until you have 2-3 A Player candidates
    • Prepare offer with initial training checklist


People Plan™ Toolkit Support Request

Contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improvement. My team reads every email and we are dedicated to your People Success! -Diana Southall