As another calendar year winds down, many organizations are focused on a strong finish to this year and planning for the next one.
Typically this centers on the financial side of the business.

As you do your year-end de-briefing, why don’t you also ask yourself “What did I enjoy this year? Did I make the impact I expected?”

Certainly we are in business for financial rewards, but I suspect you also want the rewards of feeling accomplished, fun, freedom and flexibility.

Even the business owner deserves to have a role they love, a sense of accomplishment and “work life” balance (not a J.O.B.)

So as you plan for your business next year, why not re-imagine your role?
For myself, I outlined a weekly action plan to create by “best year ever.”

Here is the outline, and the next 5 weeks– if you would like to join me and re-define your role next year.

My 30 day plan for my (your) best year ever:

  • Week 1- identify your *“ikigai” – the genius that you bring to the world and that you love to do [see ikigai image above]
  • Week 2 –write up your current “job description” and then create your ideal job profile
  • Week 3—highlight your delegation wish list — and who you can give to now or train for the future
  • Week 4- meet with those “delegatees” and share your ideas for these new duties, if they agree and commit
  • Week 5 – develop quarterly training action plans for the people with delegated items (to prevent your excuses above to keep these activities)
  • Week 6 and beyond— focus and maximize your time- schedule your important work first, build the habits and track your progress, implement weekly huddles and quarterly action plan meetings