
Coaching: Accountability & High Performance

Every team leader has the challenge to motivate marginal performers to strive for more and to keep top performers engaged and challenged. We work with you to implement a step-by-step process for managers to hold people accountable in a positive effective way, and to build coaching and recognition into the weekly routine. This process creates an environment where performance is clear, expected, recognized and rewarded.

Template: Job Responsibility Profiler

You can’t hold your People accountable if you aren’t clear on their role and responsibility. Use this template to clarify their job activities, key performance indicators, and the expected results!

Guide: Coaching For Accountability & Performance

This guide outlines how managers can build coaching and recognition into their weekly routine, to hold people accountable in a positive effective way. This process creates an environment where performance is clear, expected, recognized and rewarded.

Video: Performance Discussion & Addressing Issues

In this video you will learn how to:

  • Start (continue) annual performance discussion process
  • Build a foundation for ongoing coaching conversations
  • Improve relationship and trust with employees
  • Address the performance or attitude issues you have been avoiding


Recorded Webinar:
Coaching for Accountability & High Performance

20 Minute Recording

Learn how you can coach & develop your trusted accountable team:

  • Once you have the Right People, get them working on the Right Things
  • Clarify specific business and individual results with key performance indicators (KPI)
  • Track and report key results on dashboards for clear and effective accountability
  • Leverage your coaching time with individual weekly coaching conversations
  • Identify & challenge high-performers with development action plans
  • Keep everyone working together and on the Right Things with quarterly planning & update meetings

Helpful Articles

Read these popular articles to learn how to coach and hold your team accountable for high performance, in a positive and appreciative way.
Are you dragging your team along as you grow?

Are you dragging your team along as you grow?

 “The only way to grow a company is to grow the people first.” Verne Harnish, in his book Scaling Up. As I told you in numerous articles, People are essential to your company’s growth and success. But… do you have the Right People doing the Right Things, with...

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PEOPLE summary from the book Scaling Up

PEOPLE summary from the book Scaling Up

When we say "People"-- there are three levels that are all important to get right as you build your team of A-Players: For each of the 3 levels, there are three elements to "get right" as part of an aligned team for growth. 1. LEADERS- define clear accountability...

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