Webinar: People Plan Deep-Dive Training

Learn the 9 steps to build, coach, engage and reward a trusted accountable team, to run and grow your business for more fun and freedom

WEBINAR DETAILS: Wednesday February 26 at 9 am EST

Join Diana Southall to learn:

The 9-step process to maximize your team and get every member motivated to work together to achieve business results

Why you need to identify your own role and then the roles your company needs first, before you can create your People Plan roadmap for growth

How you can get your staff excited and involved in standardizing procedures and improving your process, for a better customer experience and higher productivity

The best way to retain, engage and energize your top performers, while getting them more involved in company operations and taking more responsibility and accountability

A simple, positive and effective method for managers to hold people accountable in a positive effective way, and to build coaching and recognition into the weekly routine

Why your business needs dashboards to track and evaluate individual and business results, to get targeted objective feedback on metrics that matter, and to use as the foundation for coaching, accountability and planning.

“Join me for this live free training, where I outline the step-by-step process to build your Trusted Accountable team, who will assist you in creating a growing business that doesn’t rely on your daily involvement. Learn how your team can step up to run daily operations, allowing you to focus on what you love, and have more financial and personal freedom.”

Diana Southall

Creator of the People Plan

Get the Companion Guide, Building Your Team: Right People, Right Jobs

Read the Guide

Learn more about the process you can use to discover the team you need, what is holding back your staff, and what you can do right now to maximize the performance and results of your current team.
Download now