One-Day Live Training Workshop- Spring 2018

Buffalo New York, Details coming soon!


Building Your Team: Getting the Right People in the Right Jobs

Your business success and growth is dependent on the quality of your team. We work with you to identify the current roles to optimize your process and future roles you need in place to grow your business. Our systematic Job Fit evaluation method assists you in mutually building the Right roles for your current team.

Recruit & Select A-Players

Finding good people is a challenge for all employers, but especially for small business. We work with you to design and launch an ongoing, semi-automated and data-driven selection system that repeatedly attracts A-Players, yields the best candidates, and gives you the tools to know that you are making the right decision before you hire.

Coaching for Accountability and High Performance

Every team leader has the challenge to motivate marginal performers to strive for more and to keep top performers engaged and challenged. We work with you to implement a step-by-step process for managers to hold people accountable in a positive effective way, and to build coaching and recognition into the weekly routine. This process creates an environment where performance is clear, expected, recognized and rewarded.

Using Dashboards to Improve Business Results

Dashboards are a key tool to monitor and improve your business, and to make better business decisions. We guide you in selecting your business key metrics, and then cascade down to departments and individuals. This allows every person and team to get targeted objective feedback on activities and results that matter, and becomes the foundation for coaching, accountability and planning.

Linking Pay and Rewards with Performance

Most organizations take their best guess about pay decisions, from setting base pay levels to deciding on raises to handing out annual bonuses. Our expertise in Rewards guides you to develop your unique compensation strategy that leverages the 5 elements of total compensation, builds on 10 non-financial rewards to retain and engage your high performers, and aligns pay levels and practices with desired individual and business performance.

Owner & Key People Roles: Design & Roadmap

Owners “fall into” rather than design their ideal role, but this is key to the business growth, continuity, and value. If you want to build a business that “works for you” rather than relying on your daily involvement, you need a strategic “Owners Plan” to outline the ideal role for you and your Key People. We walk your team through this discovery process and then design a roadmap to create a trusted accountable management team. This is especially important if you have multiple family members or partners, so that everyone knows “who does what” and there is clear authority and accountability for specific results.